40-4: =vecinos=: cf. note _vecinos_, p. 37, 2.
40-5: =toque de agonia=: _passing bell; knell for the dying_.
40-6: =ni=: _even_. Observe that _ni_, like many of the Spanish
negative pronouns and adverbs, sometimes loses its negative value. Cf.
note _conoce nadie_, p. 2, 5, and the use of _ninguno_, p. 35, line 23.
41-1: =Sanson=: _Samson_, who destroyed the Philistines by pulling
down the column of their temple. _Vide_ Book of Judges, xiii-xvi.
41-2: =Pavia=: cf. note _Cosenza... Pavia,_ p. 36, 7.
41-3: =hierros=: here used poetically for _espadas_, swords.
41-4: =adheridos=: cf. note _olvidado_, p. 31, 1.
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