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Novelas Cortas

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38-6: =?Quien calcula eso?=: _who can calculate that?_ (a vivid

39-1: =orden=: denoting a succession or arrangement, is masculine;
denoting a command, it is feminine.

39-2: =suma por separado=: _add up separately_.

39-3: =nos hemos bebido=: cf. note _lo que me digo_, p. 7, 5.

39-4: =o sean=: (followed by a singular substantive, _o sea_) _or_.

40-1: =Ya es hora=: _it is time now_.

40-2: =iQue entren=: cf. note _que... muera_, p. 3, 6.

40-3: =En esto=: cf. note _en esto_, p. 36, 10.
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