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Novelas Cortas

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37-7: =mancebo=: _clerk_, especially a drug clerk.

37-8: =recado de escribir=: _writing materials_.

37-9: =Deuda=: _debit_.

38-1: =Vos=: cf. note _Vos_, p. 27, 4.

38-2: =habreis matado=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.

38-3: =Pireneos=: Pyrenees Mountains, dividing Spain from France.

38-4: =a la derecha=: in this phrase, and in _a la izquierda_ (to the
left), the feminine is always used. Cf. the French usage.

38-5: =Volvamos a empezar=: cf. note _se volvio a reir_, p. 2, 3.

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