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Novelas Cortas

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18-4: =era de suponer=: _it was to be supposed; it was presumable_.

18-5: =habra perecido=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.

18-6: =da razon=: _give an account_.

19-1: =habian despertado=: (intransitive).

20-1: =a una voz=: _with one voice_.

20-2: =por ultimo=: _finally_. Cf. _por fin_.

21-1: =Animas=: ringing of bells, generally at sunset, inviting to
prayer for the souls of the dead.

21-2: =el nombre de siempre=: _the same name as always_. Cf. _lo de
siempre,_ the same as ever.
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