21-3: =Como sabras=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.
21-4: =cristino=: see =note= _Carlos e Isabel_, p. 16, 3.
22-1: =al salir el sol=: at sunrise (_el sol_ is the subject of
22-2: =veintiun=: (for _veinte y un_.) Observe that _uno_ in
compounds is not pluralized and drops _o_ before a noun. Other compounds
are similarly formed, e.g. _dieciseis, veintiseis_.
23-1: =tanto me conocia=: _knew me so well_.
23-2: =un corneta=: the nouns _corneta, trompeta_, etc., used in the
feminine, denote the instrument, and in the masculine, the player.
24-1: =sabre musica=: ordinarily the definite article is used before
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