17-1: =regularmente=: (i.e. _segun reglas; naturalmente) presumably_.
17-2: =no te expongas=: cf. note _no seas_, p. 6, 7.
17-3: =se la ha fumado=: for _se_ cf. note _lo que me digo_, p. 7, 5.
17-4: =El que no asista=, etc.: a very loosely constructed sentence.
Translate: _If either of us does not appear_, etc.
18-1: =alaveses=: _natives of Alava_, a Basque province in the north
of Spain.
18-2: =boina blanca de carlista=: see note _boina_, p. 16, 8.
18-3: =pistoletazo=: _pistol-shot_. Observe the use of the ending
_azo_, denoting a blow, cut, or shot with a weapon.
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