Cf. also note _la mano_, p. 4, 5.
9-3: =cayo redondo=: _fell suddenly_ (collapsed).
9-4: =maldito seas=: a rather exceptional use of the subjunctive for
the imperative, though common with the verb _ser_. Cf. last line, page
9-5: =unos canallas=: _canalla_ is feminine in its usual collective
meaning: _rabble_. Applied to an individual, however, it agrees in
9-6: =Si conforme soy yo=: _if, just as it was_ (lit. _is_) _I_.
9-7: =se=: (ethical dative). Cf. note _lo que me digo_, p. 7, 5.
9-8: =migueletes=: _militiamen_, serving as police for the
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