8-4: =se los=: cf. note _se la_, p. 4, 6. 8-5: =iA la paz de Dios!=: (a familiar formula of leavetaking) _God be with you, good-by_, etc. 8-6: =No habria andado=: _he could not have gone_. The conditional mood is often employed to express conjecture as to a (usually) past event, just as the future indicative is used to express conjecture about a (usually) present event. 8-7: =volver pies atras=: _retrace his steps_. 9-1: =estupefacto=: words having originally an initial _s_ followed by a consonant prefix an _e_ on becoming Spanish, as: _estupor_, stupor; _escuela_, school. 9-2: =se echo... a la cara=: _brought up to a level with his face_.
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