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Novelas Cortas

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the ceremonious word _Caballeros_. Observe that the bandits end by
addressing the peasant as _usted_ likewise.

7-7: =mis hijos...iHijos mios!=: observe the variant forms _mis_ and
_mios_. For explanation see any grammar (possessive adjectives).

7-8: =el rey Neron=: (i.e. _el emperador_). The Roman emperor Nero
(reigned A.D. 54-68) persecuted the Christians, burning them as torches
before his palace and making them fight with wild beasts in the arena.

8-1: =iPues no quiere su dinero!=: _well! if he doesn't actually want
his money too_!

8-2: =No se como=: _I don't know why_.

8-3: =le habeis robado=: for dative _le_ cf. note _tomado a este
hombre_, p. 4, 3.
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