suppression of brigandage. 9-9: =dandome la espalda=: _turning his back on me_. Cf. note _la mano_, P. 4, 5. 9-10: =a todo escape=: _with the utmost velocity_. 9-11: =se ha quedado con=: _has kept_ (lit. _has remained with_). 10-1: =a otro=: observe that the indefinite article is never used before _otro, -a_. 10-2: =a fe mia=: _upon my word_. Cf. note _a fe que_, p. 12, 6. 10-3: =nadie=: cf. note _conoce nadie_, p. 2, 5. 10-4: =con sus cinco sentidos=: _with his five senses_, i.e. _with
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