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Novelas Cortas

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35. _Segun_ supo despues.           According to what he learned later.
36. _Por alli_ va.                  Thereabouts he goes.
Por aqui.                           Hereabouts.
37. _De vez en cuando_ viene.       From time to time he comes.

=Page 6.=

38. _A fuerza de_ trabajar.         By dint of laboring.
39. _A eso_ (_or_ cosa) de          At about ten o'clock.
       las diez.
_A las_ cinco.                      At five o'clock.
_A la_ una y media.                 At half-past one o'clock.
40. Habla (_familiar form_).        Speak!
No hables (cf. note 6, 7).          Don't speak!
41. ?_En_ que piensa V.?            Of what are you thinking?

=Page 7 (Review 32, 18, 35).=
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