de ojos. 27. Amadlo. Love him. Amaos (cf. note 30, 5). Love each other. 28. ?De que se trata? What is the question? 29. Me tendio _la_ mano (cf. note He held out his hand to me. 4,5). 30. _Se_ lo digo a V. I tell you it. (cf. note 4, 6). No pudo dar_se_lo. He could not give it to him. =Page 5 (Review 13, 12).= 31. _Se puso a_ cavilar. He began to reflect. 32. _Voy a_ hacerlo. I am going to do it. _Iba a_ hablar. He was going to speak. 33. _Pasado manana_ vendra. He will come day after to-morrow. 34. Quedaremos en lo dicho. We will abide by what we have said.
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