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Novelas Cortas

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42. ?Que _quiere decir_?            What does he mean?
43. _Todo el que_ habla.            Every one who speaks.
44. _Se_ hablan _unos a             They speak to each other.
45. No tiene hambre.                He is not hungry.
Tenia frio.                         I was cold.
46. _Se parece a_ mi.               He resembles me.
Me parece (a mi).                   It seems to me.
47. Mi libro y _el_ de mi hermana.  My book and my sister's.
Mi madre y _la_ de V. (cf. 7).      My mother and yours.
48. Estara _dentro de_ la casa.     He must be inside the house.

=Page 8 (Review 44, 30, 11, 15, 7).=

49. _A poco_ se fue (cf. 142).      In a little while he went off.
50. _De pronto_ vino.               Suddenly he came.
51. Lo dijo _repetidas veces_.      He said it many times.
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