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our cell.... I heard that the said Indians asked for ministers of the
gospel so that they should administer to them the divine word and the
holy sacraments.... So when we came to this town of Yalain, its
inhabitants began to ask us about these four Indians who went to Merida
in the said month of September, (who had not yet come back).... In
reply I asked them if the men were one Achan with his younger brother,
and another called Ahtec, and another Anu, and they said 'Yes.' To this
I replied that I did not know why they had not come to their town, as
they had started so long before I did.... We stopped in that town two
days, its inhabitants treating us very well. From there they were to
give us a guide to pass on to Tipu, as the priest Chomachculu promised
us in compliance with the request which the King of Peten made of him,
and on this supposition the son and son-in-law of the King, who had
guided us up to that time, returned home. But they said that this guide
was to be an Indian of Tipu, who came to Peten while we were there,
and, though the said Indian saw us leave Peten, he never came at all,
but rather stayed there."
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