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Trouble with Soldiers. "We were staying on in hopes that this man would
come, when we saw coming six or eight Indians from Peten, who (as they
told us) were coming to their farms. These brought the news that there
had been a disturbance in Peten, on account of there having come in the
part where we had entered Indians from this side of the Province, and
that they had heard musket shots, with a rumor of Spaniards. I do not
know if this was true, but what we experienced from this time on from
the Indians of that town where we were staying was that they cooled off
entirely in that affection with which up to that time they had regarded
us, showing us a thousand slights without paying any attention to
giving us the guide which we asked for. The change in their hearts came
to such an extreme that they called a meeting (drinking a great deal of
their drink, with which not only they get drunk, as they were then, but
with which they worship). We came then to a time when on that night the
taking of our lives had been determined on, had not God wished that I
should learn about the matter; and so I taking from them the implements
of their feast, and reproving them for the little firmness of their
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