of a league, within a thicket is found another _aguada_ with better and
more water, from its being spring water. It rises and falls like the
sea, although the sea is distant, from it, in its nearest parts,
twenty-six leagues. It breeds in it very good fish and very large
Ix Kata-Kal. "At a distance of a league from this place there is
another, Ix Kata-Kal, though it does not always contain water. The said
_aguada_ is found on the Eastern side of the road. On the remainder of
this road at a distance of three leagues, there are only found some
_haltuns_ or hollowed stones, which relieve the necessities of many
thirsty people, but not in the dry season. As we passed by them, all
the path was rough and stony, so that from the fatigue of going over it
on foot, we had great trouble from the want of water until we reached a
place called Nohku, to which from the aforesaid _savana_ is four very
long leagues."
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