found another _aguada_ called Th[=a] Ayn, and a little further on,
something like half a league, are found some columns of round stone,
which the natives say have served as an altar for the chaplain of the
Spaniards, whose Captain is called Mirones. At the side of the said
columns is found a well, narrow and round and somewhat deep, although
the mystery of what its purpose is, is never revealed. At a distance of
half a league from this place is found another _haltun_ with very good
water, and a league from this is found the place called Sucte, worthy
of memory on account of the things which it contains. First, this place
is a plain or meadow, the largest which I have seen up to this time,
and it extends on all sides out of sight. The whole covered with trees
with a small fruit called _Nanren_, and other trees called _Guazes_, so
that all of them make a design, by their standing in such order that
they appear to have been planted for the purpose. So that this _savana_
is very beautiful on all sides. In the middle of it is found an
_aguada_, well provided, although in the dry season it is apt to be
dried up. To the South of the said _savana_, at a distance of a quarter
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