the side of his face, until he moved and gave an opportunity to the
frightened boy to rise; and when we lighted a light, we saw it and the
Indians killed it without it doing any harm."
Aguada of Hobon Ox; Chunzalam, Vecanxan. "We proceeded in the morning
of the next day from the said place, a distance of one league, where we
found a _haltun_, that is, a hollowed stone, which usually contains
water. It is called Hobon Ox. At the distance of two leagues from this
_haltun_ is found another place called Chunzalam, with an _aguada_
called Kalceh. One league from this place is found another _aguada_ on
the right hand. It is called Vecanxan. A little after this we found a
small plain on the left hand."
'Nohhalali Th[=a] Ayn, Sucte. "At the distance of three-fourths of a
league is found another _aguada_ called Nohhalal, and after this is
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