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Nohku. "In this place we experienced comfort enough, since God had
provided us with food and drink enough to aid us in passing the day of
the glorious Apostles, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, so that in that
place we said mass. And in it we found a house of idols, so that,
although the Spaniards who passed first had broken many, we broke more
than fifty others, putting in their place a cross, in order to give to
God the reverence and worship which the idolaters of the place usurped
for themselves. From this report which we heard there grew in us all a
Christian curiosity to see the said place in order to exorcise the
devil on account of his frauds and to glorify and praise him who is
powerful everywhere. We came back from seeing the said place about the
hour of vespers, which were celebrated with as much outward and inward
rejoicing as was possible in that place. We arranged the altar as
decently as we could, through the influence of which and our own
Christian character, the Indians, without being forced to, also
resolved to confess and to receive the sacraments (for the example of
the chiefs is a great thing), so that, without forcing them by words,
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