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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Luigi felt a sensation hitherto unknown arising in his mind. It was
like an acute pain which gnawed at his heart, and then thrilled through
his whole body. He followed with his eye each movement of Teresa and her
cavalier; when their hands touched, he felt as though he should swoon;
every pulse beat with violence, and it seemed as though a bell were
ringing in his ears. When they spoke, although Teresa listened timidly
and with downcast eyes to the conversation of her cavalier, as Luigi
could read in the ardent looks of the good-looking young man that his
language was that of praise, it seemed as if the whole world was turning
round with him, and all the voices of hell were whispering in his ears
ideas of murder and assassination. Then fearing that his paroxysm might
get the better of him, he clutched with one hand the branch of a tree
against which he was leaning, and with the other convulsively grasped
the dagger with a carved handle which was in his belt, and which,
unwittingly, he drew from the scabbard from time to time. Luigi was
jealous! He felt that, influenced by her ambitions and coquettish
disposition, Teresa might escape him.
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