"And why, I should like to know," persisted Caderousse, "should they put
Dantes in prison? he has not robbed or killed or murdered."
"Hold your tongue!" said Danglars.
"I won't hold my tongue!" replied Caderousse; "I say I want to know why
they should put Dantes in prison; I like Dantes; Dantes, your health!"
and he swallowed another glass of wine.
Danglars saw in the muddled look of the tailor the progress of his
intoxication, and turning towards Fernand, said, "Well, you understand
there is no need to kill him."
"Certainly not, if, as you said just now, you have the means of having
Dantes arrested. Have you that means?"
"It is to be found for the searching. But why should I meddle in the
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