Danglars, who is a wide-awake, clever, deep fellow, who will prove to
you that you are wrong. Prove it, Danglars. I have answered for you. Say
there is no need why Dantes should die; it would, indeed, be a pity he
should. Dantes is a good fellow; I like Dantes. Dantes, your health."
Fernand rose impatiently. "Let him run on," said Danglars, restraining
the young man; "drunk as he is, he is not much out in what he says.
Absence severs as well as death, and if the walls of a prison were
between Edmond and Mercedes they would be as effectually separated as if
he lay under a tombstone."
"Yes; but one gets out of prison," said Caderousse, who, with what sense
was left him, listened eagerly to the conversation, "and when one gets
out and one's name is Edmond Dantes, one seeks revenge"--
"What matters that?" muttered Fernand.
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