his understanding weakened by such events, refused to comprehend such
incredible, unheard-of, fabulous facts. But his son came in. "Father,"
cried Maximilian, "how could you say the Pharaon was lost? The lookout
has signalled her, and they say she is now coming into port."
"My dear friends," said Morrel, "if this be so, it must be a miracle of
heaven! Impossible, impossible!"
But what was real and not less incredible was the purse he held in his
hand, the acceptance receipted--the splendid diamond.
"Ah, sir," exclaimed Cocles, "what can it mean?--the Pharaon?"
"Come, dear ones," said Morrel, rising from his seat, "let us go and
see, and heaven have pity upon us if it be false intelligence!" They all
went out, and on the stairs met Madame Morrel, who had been afraid to go
up into the study. In a moment they were at the Cannebiere. There was a
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