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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"And did you go alone?" asked Morrel, after he had read it.

"Emmanuel accompanied me, father. He was to have waited for me at the
corner of the Rue de Musee, but, strange to say, he was not there when I

"Monsieur Morrel!" exclaimed a voice on the stairs.--"Monsieur Morrel!"

"It is his voice!" said Julie. At this moment Emmanuel entered, his
countenance full of animation and joy. "The Pharaon!" he cried; "the

"What--what--the Pharaon! Are you mad, Emmanuel? You know the vessel is

"The Pharaon, sir--they signal the Pharaon! The Pharaon is entering the
harbor!" Morrel fell back in his chair, his strength was failing him;
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