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The Count of Monte Cristo

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for I was underneath him and heard him walking the whole night; and for
myself, I assure you I could not sleep either, for the grief of the poor
father gave me great uneasiness, and every step he took went to my heart
as really as if his foot had pressed against my breast. The next day
Mercedes came to implore the protection of M. de Villefort; she did not
obtain it, however, and went to visit the old man; when she saw him so
miserable and heart-broken, having passed a sleepless night, and not
touched food since the previous day, she wished him to go with her that
she might take care of him; but the old man would not consent. 'No,' was
the old man's reply, 'I will not leave this house, for my poor dear boy
loves me better than anything in the world; and if he gets out of prison
he will come and see me the first thing, and what would he think if I
did not wait here for him?' I heard all this from the window, for I was
anxious that Mercedes should persuade the old man to accompany her, for
his footsteps over my head night and day did not leave me a moment's

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