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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"At La Reserve! Oh, yes; I can see it all before me this moment."

"Was it not his betrothal feast?"

"It was and the feast that began so gayly had a very sorrowful ending;
a police commissary, followed by four soldiers, entered, and Dantes was

"Yes, and up to this point I know all," said the priest. "Dantes himself
only knew that which personally concerned him, for he never beheld again
the five persons I have named to you, or heard mention of any one of

"Well, when Dantes was arrested, Monsieur Morrel hastened to obtain the
particulars, and they were very sad. The old man returned alone to his
home, folded up his wedding suit with tears in his eyes, and paced up
and down his chamber the whole day, and would not go to bed at all,
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