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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I do not know who could if I could not," said Caderousse. "Why, I lived
almost on the same floor with the poor old man. Ah, yes, about a year
after the disappearance of his son the poor old man died."

"Of what did he die?"

"Why, the doctors called his complaint gastro-enteritis, I believe;
his acquaintances say he died of grief; but I, who saw him in his dying
moments, I say he died of"--Caderousse paused.

"Of what?" asked the priest, anxiously and eagerly.

"Why, of downright starvation."

"Starvation!" exclaimed the abbe, springing from his seat. "Why, the
vilest animals are not suffered to die by such a death as that. The very
dogs that wander houseless and homeless in the streets find some pitying
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