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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"'You will sell this diamond; you will divide the money into five equal
parts, and give an equal portion to these good friends, the only persons
who have loved me upon earth.'"

"But why into five parts?" asked Caderousse; "you only mentioned four

"Because the fifth is dead, as I hear. The fifth sharer in Edmond's
bequest, was his own father."

"Too true, too true!" ejaculated Caderousse, almost suffocated by the
contending passions which assailed him, "the poor old man did die."

"I learned so much at Marseilles," replied the abbe, making a strong
effort to appear indifferent; "but from the length of time that has
elapsed since the death of the elder Dantes, I was unable to obtain any
particulars of his end. Can you enlighten me on that point?"
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