extending his hand towards the table, he seized a knife.
"Dearest," exclaimed Valentine, with her adorable smile, "awake, and
look at me!" Morrel uttered a loud exclamation, and frantic, doubtful,
dazzled, as though by a celestial vision, he fell upon his knees.
The next morning at daybreak, Valentine and Morrel were walking
arm-in-arm on the sea-shore, Valentine relating how Monte Cristo had
appeared in her room, explained everything, revealed the crime, and,
finally, how he had saved her life by enabling her to simulate death.
They had found the door of the grotto opened, and gone forth; on the
azure dome of heaven still glittered a few remaining stars. Morrel soon
perceived a man standing among the rocks, apparently awaiting a sign
from them to advance, and pointed him out to Valentine. "Ah, it is
Jacopo," she said, "the captain of the yacht;" and she beckoned him
towards them.
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