I again take hold on life, through you I shall suffer, through you
"Do you hear him, Valentine?" exclaimed Haidee; "he says that through me
he will suffer--through me, who would yield my life for his." The count
withdrew for a moment. "Have I discovered the truth?" he said; "but
whether it be for recompense or punishment, I accept my fate. Come,
Haidee, come!" and throwing his arm around the young girl's waist, he
pressed the hand of Valentine, and disappeared.
An hour had nearly passed, during which Valentine, breathless and
motionless, watched steadfastly over Morrel. At length she felt his
heart beat, a faint breath played upon his lips, a slight shudder,
announcing the return of life, passed through the young man's frame. At
length his eyes opened, but they were at first fixed and expressionless;
then sight returned, and with it feeling and grief. "Oh," he cried, in
an accent of despair, "the count has deceived me; I am yet living;" and
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