Danglars waited a moment, expecting the postilion to come and demand
payment with the termination of his stage. He intended taking advantage
of the opportunity to make fresh inquiries of the new conductor; but the
horses were unharnessed, and others put in their places, without any
one claiming money from the traveller. Danglars, astonished, opened the
door; but a strong hand pushed him back, and the carriage rolled on. The
baron was completely roused. "Eh?" he said to the postilion, "eh, mio
This was another little piece of Italian the baron had learned from
hearing his daughter sing Italian duets with Cavalcanti. But mio caro
did not reply. Danglars then opened the window.
"Come, my friend," he said, thrusting his hand through the opening,
"where are we going?"
"Dentro la testa!" answered a solemn and imperious voice, accompanied by
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