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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I am, indeed, most wretched," replied Mercedes. "Alone in the world, I
had but my son, and he has left me!"

"He possesses a noble heart, madame," replied the count, "and he has
acted rightly. He feels that every man owes a tribute to his country;
some contribute their talents, others their industry; these devote their
blood, those their nightly labors, to the same cause. Had he remained
with you, his life must have become a hateful burden, nor would he have
participated in your griefs. He will increase in strength and honor by
struggling with adversity, which he will convert into prosperity.
Leave him to build up the future for you, and I venture to say you will
confide it to safe hands."

"Oh," replied the wretched woman, mournfully shaking her head, "the
prosperity of which you speak, and which, from the bottom of my heart, I
pray God in his mercy to grant him, I can never enjoy. The bitter cup of
adversity has been drained by me to the very dregs, and I feel that the
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