looked in the direction whence it came, and there under an arbor of
Virginia jessamine, [*] with its thick foliage and beautiful long purple
flowers, he saw Mercedes seated, with her head bowed, and weeping
bitterly. She had raised her veil, and with her face hidden by her hands
was giving free scope to the sighs and tears which had been so long
restrained by the presence of her son. Monte Cristo advanced a few
steps, which were heard on the gravel. Mercedes raised her head, and
uttered a cry of terror on beholding a man before her.
* The Carolina--not Virginia--jessamine, gelsemium
sempervirens (properly speaking not a jessamine at all) has
yellow blossoms. The reference is no doubt to the Wistaria
"Madame," said the count, "it is no longer in my power to restore you to
happiness, but I offer you consolation; will you deign to accept it as
coming from a friend?"
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