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The Count of Monte Cristo

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fate. No, Emmanuel, I am but a man, and your admiration is as unmerited
as your words are sacrilegious." And pressing his lips on the hand of
Julie, who rushed into his arms, he extended his other hand to Emmanuel;
then tearing himself from this abode of peace and happiness, he made a
sign to Maximilian, who followed him passively, with the indifference
which had been perceptible in him ever since the death of Valentine had
so stunned him. "Restore my brother to peace and happiness," whispered
Julie to Monte Cristo. And the count pressed her hand in reply, as he
had done eleven years before on the staircase leading to Morrel's study.

"You still confide, then, in Sinbad the Sailor?" asked he, smiling.

"Oh, yes," was the ready answer.

"Well, then, sleep in peace, and put your trust in heaven." As we have
before said, the postchaise was waiting; four powerful horses were
already pawing the ground with impatience, while Ali, apparently just
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