you could say in words would never express what I read in your eyes; the
thoughts of your heart are fully understood by mine. Like benefactors
in romances, I should have left you without seeing you again, but that
would have been a virtue beyond my strength, because I am a weak
and vain man, fond of the tender, kind, and thankful glances of my
fellow-creatures. On the eve of departure I carry my egotism so far as
to say, 'Do not forget me, my kind friends, for probably you will never
see me again.'"
"Never see you again?" exclaimed Emmanuel, while two large tears rolled
down Julie's cheeks, "never behold you again? It is not a man, then, but
some angel that leaves us, and this angel is on the point of returning
to heaven after having appeared on earth to do good."
"Say not so," quickly returned Monte Cristo--"say not so, my friends;
angels never err, celestial beings remain where they wish to be. Fate is
not more powerful than they; it is they who, on the contrary, overcome
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