once full of spirit and resignation; I have become simple in my tastes,
and am without passion, I hope. Once in service, I shall be rich--once
in M. Dantes' house, you will be at rest. Let us strive, I beseech
you,--let us strive to be cheerful."
"Yes, let us strive, for you ought to live, and to be happy, Albert."
"And so our division is made, mother," said the young man, affecting
ease of mind. "We can now part; come, I shall engage your passage."
"And you, my dear boy?"
"I shall stay here for a few days longer; we must accustom ourselves to
parting. I want recommendations and some information relative to Africa.
I will join you again at Marseilles."
"Well, be it so--let us part," said Mercedes, folding around her
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