his name. Well, I will live, if you promise me still to hope; and if
you grant me the care of your future prospects, you will redouble my
strength. Then I will go to the governor of Algeria; he has a royal
heart, and is essentially a soldier; I will tell him my gloomy story.
I will beg him to turn his eyes now and then towards me, and if he
keep his word and interest himself for me, in six months I shall be an
officer, or dead. If I am an officer, your fortune is certain, for I
shall have money enough for both, and, moreover, a name we shall both
be proud of, since it will be our own. If I am killed--well then mother,
you can also die, and there will be an end of our misfortunes."
"It is well," replied Mercedes, with her eloquent glance; "you are
right, my love; let us prove to those who are watching our actions that
we are worthy of compassion."
"But let us not yield to gloomy apprehensions," said the young man; "I
assure you we are, or rather we shall be, very happy. You are a woman at
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