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The Count of Monte Cristo

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abbe, and no doubt he read some particular expression in them, for he
remained in the room. D'Avrigny recommended the attention of the priest
to the living as well as to the dead, and the abbe promised to devote
his prayers to Valentine and his attentions to Noirtier. In order,
doubtless, that he might not be disturbed while fulfilling his sacred
mission, the priest rose as soon as d'Avrigny departed, and not only
bolted the door through which the doctor had just left, but also that
leading to Madame de Villefort's room.

Chapter 104. Danglars Signature.

The next morning dawned dull and cloudy. During the night the
undertakers had executed their melancholy office, and wrapped the corpse
in the winding-sheet, which, whatever may be said about the equality of
death, is at least a last proof of the luxury so pleasing in life. This
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