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The Count of Monte Cristo

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to forestall our duties."

"It is a young girl."

"I know it, sir; the servants who fled from the house informed me. I
also know that her name is Valentine, and I have already prayed for

"Thank you, sir," said d'Avrigny; "since you have commenced your sacred
office, deign to continue it. Come and watch by the dead, and all the
wretched family will be grateful to you."

"I am going, sir; and I do not hesitate to say that no prayers will be
more fervent than mine." D'Avrigny took the priest's hand, and
without meeting Villefort, who was engaged in his study, they reached
Valentine's room, which on the following night was to be occupied by
the undertakers. On entering the room, Noirtier's eyes met those of the
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