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The Count of Monte Cristo

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the hand you expected to possess once more within your own, and then
separate yourself from her forever. Valentine now requires only the
ministrations of the priest."

"You are mistaken, sir," exclaimed Morrel, raising himself on one knee,
his heart pierced by a more acute pang than any he had yet felt--"you
are mistaken; Valentine, dying as she has, not only requires a priest,
but an avenger. You, M. de Villefort, send for the priest; I will be the

"What do you mean, sir?" asked Villefort, trembling at the new idea
inspired by the delirium of Morrel.

"I tell you, sir, that two persons exist in you; the father has mourned
sufficiently, now let the procureur fulfil his office."

The eyes of Noirtier glistened, and d'Avrigny approached.
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