The young man overwhelmed by the weight of his anguish, fell heavily
on his knees before the bed, which his fingers grasped with convulsive
energy. D'Avrigny, unable to bear the sight of this touching emotion,
turned away; and Villefort, without seeking any further explanation,
and attracted towards him by the irresistible magnetism which draws us
towards those who have loved the people for whom we mourn, extended his
hand towards the young man. But Morrel saw nothing; he had grasped the
hand of Valentine, and unable to weep vented his agony in groans as
he bit the sheets. For some time nothing was heard in that chamber but
sobs, exclamations, and prayers. At length Villefort, the most composed
of all, spoke: "Sir," said he to Maximilian, "you say you loved
Valentine, that you were betrothed to her. I knew nothing of this
engagement, of this love, yet I, her father, forgive you, for I see that
your grief is real and deep; and besides my own sorrow is too great for
anger to find a place in my heart. But you see that the angel whom
you hoped for has left this earth--she has nothing more to do with the
adoration of men. Take a last farewell, sir, of her sad remains; take
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