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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Poison--death!" exclaimed Valentine, half believing herself under the
influence of some feverish hallucination; "what are you saying, sir?"

"Hush, my child," said Monte Cristo, again placing his finger upon her
lips, "I did say poison and death. But drink some of this;" and the
count took a bottle from his pocket, containing a red liquid, of which
he poured a few drops into the glass. "Drink this, and then take nothing
more to-night." Valentine stretched out her hand, but scarcely had she
touched the glass when she drew back in fear. Monte Cristo took the
glass, drank half its contents, and then presented it to Valentine, who
smiled and swallowed the rest. "Oh, yes," she exclaimed, "I recognize
the flavor of my nocturnal beverage which refreshed me so much, and
seemed to ease my aching brain. Thank you, sir, thank you!"

"This is how you have lived during the last four nights, Valentine,"
said the count. "But, oh, how I passed that time! Oh, the wretched hours
I have endured--the torture to which I have submitted when I saw the
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