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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes; the best you could have at the present time, believe me."

"But you say you have watched?" said Valentine uneasily; "where have
you been?--I have not seen you." The count extended his hand towards the
library. "I was hidden behind that door," he said, "which leads into the
next house, which I have rented." Valentine turned her eyes away, and,
with an indignant expression of pride and modest fear, exclaimed: "Sir,
I think you have been guilty of an unparalleled intrusion, and that what
you call protection is more like an insult."

"Valentine," he answered, "during my long watch over you, all I
have observed has been what people visited you, what nourishment was
prepared, and what beverage was served; then, when the latter appeared
dangerous to me, I entered, as I have now done, and substituted, in the
place of the poison, a healthful draught; which, instead of producing
the death intended, caused life to circulate in your veins."

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