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The Count of Monte Cristo

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It was easy to see that no doubt now remained in the young girl's mind
as to the reality of the scene; her eyes started with terror, her hands
trembled, and she rapidly drew the bedclothes closer to her. Still, the
presence of Monte Cristo at such an hour, his mysterious, fanciful, and
extraordinary entrance into her room through the wall, might well seem
impossibilities to her shattered reason. "Do not call any one--do not be
alarmed," said the Count; "do not let a shade of suspicion or uneasiness
remain in your breast; the man standing before you, Valentine (for this
time it is no ghost), is nothing more than the tenderest father and the
most respectful friend you could dream of."

Valentine could not reply; the voice which indicated the real presence
of a being in the room, alarmed her so much that she feared to utter a
syllable; still the expression of her eyes seemed to inquire, "If your
intentions are pure, why are you here?" The count's marvellous sagacity
understood all that was passing in the young girl's mind.

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