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The Count of Monte Cristo

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principal salon as if some frightful monster had entered the apartments,
quaerens quem devoret. There was, indeed, reason to retreat, to be
alarmed, and to scream. An officer was placing two soldiers at the door
of each drawing-room, and was advancing towards Danglars, preceded by a
commissary of police, girded with his scarf. Madame Danglars uttered a
scream and fainted. Danglars, who thought himself threatened (certain
consciences are never calm),--Danglars even before his guests showed a
countenance of abject terror.

"What is the matter, sir?" asked Monte Cristo, advancing to meet the

"Which of you gentlemen," asked the magistrate, without replying to the
count, "answers to the name of Andrea Cavalcanti?" A cry of astonishment
was heard from all parts of the room. They searched; they questioned.
"But who then is Andrea Cavalcanti?" asked Danglars in amazement.

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