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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes," replied the count; "a felon named Caderousse." Danglars
turned slightly pale; Andrea reached the anteroom beyond the little

"But go on signing," said Monte Cristo; "I perceive that my story has
caused a general emotion, and I beg to apologize to you, baroness, and
to Mademoiselle Danglars." The baroness, who had signed, returned
the pen to the notary. "Prince Cavalcanti," said the latter; "Prince
Cavalcanti, where are you?"

"Andrea, Andrea," repeated several young people, who were already on
sufficiently intimate terms with him to call him by his Christian name.

"Call the prince; inform him that it is his turn to sign," cried
Danglars to one of the floorkeepers.

But at the same instant the crowd of guests rushed in alarm into the
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