Seizing a pen, he drew a paper from a secret drawer in his desk, and
wrote at the bottom of the document (which was no other than his will,
made since his arrival in Paris) a sort of codicil, clearly explaining
the nature of his death. "I do this, O my God," said he, with his eyes
raised to heaven, "as much for thy honor as for mine. I have during ten
years considered myself the agent of thy vengeance, and other wretches,
like Morcerf, Danglars, Villefort, even Morcerf himself, must not
imagine that chance has freed them from their enemy. Let them know,
on the contrary, that their punishment, which had been decreed by
providence, is only delayed by my present determination, and although
they escape it in this world, it awaits them in another, and that they
are only exchanging time for eternity."
While he was thus agitated by gloomy uncertainties,--wretched waking
dreams of grief,--the first rays of morning pierced his windows, and
shone upon the pale blue paper on which he had just inscribed his
justification of providence. It was just five o'clock in the morning
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