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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Mother," replied the young man, "you have especial reasons for telling
me to conciliate that man."

"I?" said Mercedes, blushing as rapidly as she had turned pale, and
again becoming paler than ever.

"Yes, doubtless; and is it not that he may never do us any harm?"
Mercedes shuddered, and, fixing on her son a scrutinizing gaze, "You
speak strangely," said she to Albert, "and you appear to have some
singular prejudices. What has the count done? Three days since you were
with him in Normandy; only three days since we looked on him as our best

An ironical smile passed over Albert's lips. Mercedes saw it and with
the double instinct of woman and mother guessed all; but as she was
prudent and strong-minded she concealed both her sorrows and her fears.
Albert was silent; an instant after, the countess resumed: "You came to
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