"Why do you say so?"
"Because, for instance, you noticed on the evening of the ball we gave,
that M. de Monte Cristo would eat nothing in our house." Mercedes raised
herself on her feverish arm. "M. de Monte Cristo!" she exclaimed; "and
how is he connected with the question you asked me?"
"You know, mother, M. de Monte Cristo is almost an Oriental, and it is
customary with the Orientals to secure full liberty for revenge by not
eating or drinking in the houses of their enemies."
"Do you say M. de Monte Cristo is our enemy?" replied Mercedes, becoming
paler than the sheet which covered her. "Who told you so? Why, you are
mad, Albert! M. de Monte Cristo has only shown us kindness. M. de Monte
Cristo saved your life; you yourself presented him to us. Oh, I entreat
you, my son, if you had entertained such an idea, dispel it; and my
counsel to you--nay, my prayer--is to retain his friendship."
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