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The Count of Monte Cristo

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let fall his bunch of keys, and remained motionless and stupefied. The
count placed himself between Caderousse and the window, thus cutting off
from the thief his only chance of retreat. "The Abbe Busoni!" repeated
Caderousse, fixing his haggard gaze on the count.

"Yes, undoubtedly, the Abbe Busoni himself," replied Monte Cristo. "And
I am very glad you recognize me, dear M. Caderousse; it proves you have
a good memory, for it must be about ten years since we last met." This
calmness of Busoni, combined with his irony and boldness, staggered

"The abbe, the abbe!" murmured he, clinching his fists, and his teeth

"So you would rob the Count of Monte Cristo?" continued the false abbe.

"Reverend sir," murmured Caderousse, seeking to regain the window, which
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